盛女愛作戰 - 性格派 Florence 大戰金牌媒人 Mei Ling(Behind the scene)

走性格路線的盛女 Florence

全城最 high end 的金牌 match maker Mei Ling (Photo downloaded from HK Match Makers)

自從《盛女愛作戰》正式首播後已經熱爆全城,聽說很多人的 Facebook 啊,微博啊之類都被「洗版」。第二集出街之後更榮登 tvb.com My TV 的首位,

看完第二集,相信大家必定會對走性格派路線 Florence 留下非常深刻印象 (我的 Fans Page  90% 的留言都在討論她呢!)

About Florence…

39 歲的 Florence 是專業會計人士,收入高,學歷高,家庭背景也非常好。但母親管教異常嚴格,這早已成為她跟男生交往重大障礙。29 歲那年人生第一次也是唯一一次的戀愛史終於發生,可惜那次失敗,從此成為她的終極姑婆包袱。

首次在監製口中聽到有關她的描述如下:「我有對活寶貝 ( Florence 參加的條件是必須跟她的 best friend 一起拍攝(但最後製作部決定要把她那部分抽起),其中一個 39 歲做會計的,拍過一次拖。這個堅啊!為了識男人,工聯會舉辦所有的課程她幾乎都上過的了,不過都無著落!而且她是堅持不化妝扮靚那種來的!」

也許對 Florence 來說,整個拍攝裡面她遇上了兩個「剋星」:一個是我,一個是全城最高檔次的配對顧問 Mei Ling。因為我們兩個說的話都總不會合她心意。Mei Ling 那個部分相信大家在節目裡面已經看到不少。至於我,打從第一次跟Florence 見面時的對話,就讓她非常不爽:

「嘩!看你的樣子,好像有幾個小朋友等你到幼兒園接放學呢!你看起來比實際年齡老,我以為你 40 多歲!」(後來從監製口中才得知她跟那個 best friend 原來一直都覺得自己的樣貌看起來比實際年齡年青得多的)

(就她開出找男友的要求)「來!我們面對現實吧!以你說的要求,那個白馬王子其實並不存在。但好,就當他真的存在,他為什麼要找你呢?你真的期望你就這樣坐在那裡,然後那個王子在世界 somewhere 某角落的電視機前見到你然後 call TVB 說要求親嗎?」

(就她跟我說其實她並沒有好想找到一個男朋友)「甚麼?你誠實點好不好啊?如果你不想的話,那你為什麼要來?你願意給全港 700 萬人,還有無數個網民在節目中見到你,我夠膽講你比全港任何一個女人 ~ 是任何一個女人都還要著急!我們誠實點吧,小姐!」

(就她怎也不願意去在打扮上作出改變)「我絕對同意你說那個男人應該 “take you as I am”,應該是喜歡你個人而不是喜歡你個樣或你的裝扮。但即使 “take you as I am” 都好,這並不代表要對自己沒有更高的要求啊!請問誰說女人扮靚就等於用美貌去 please 那些男人呢?」

攝於與 Florence 的第一次見面!天啊!難道你不覺得她看起來像 40 多歲嗎?跟她聊了一個晚上之後,我連續幾天也過得很不容易。因為知道了她大概甚麼性格甚麼心態後,我一直很花功夫在想一個問題:「到底我可以為她付出和做些甚麼??」

在拍攝期間,我們對著 Florence,就等於昨晚大家在電視機前面那種反應:「到底這個女人怎麼了????」

事實 Florence 也是被幕後製作團隊「投訴」到飛起,讓大家最頭痛,最激氣的。基本上,監製每次致電我說關於她的時候,劈頭第一句總是:「我頂!激死我了!」而我致電監製說關於她的時候,劈頭第一句總是:「喂!到底她黏左邊條線啊?」至於經驗老練的 Mei Ling,也會很不耐煩地說:「個 Florence 真的快把我氣死。」

硬頸是 Florence 的盔甲,隨緣是她的藉口。



對,Florence 好像很討人厭 ~ 這也是所有工作人員開頭的感覺。但其實,在沒有清楚認識她之前,也許大家言之過早。因為各位根本不知道她為什麼會這樣?到底真正阻礙著她的是甚麼… 之類,也未免有點不公平。

願意多認識她的話,其實她的固執也挺可愛 ~ 最少這是我回頭一看的親身體驗。

但當然,也請大家繼續收看節目,跟我一同經歷整個旅程!我會繼續在這裡分享 behind the scenes 和對她們作出的指導於分析。

50 thoughts on “盛女愛作戰 - 性格派 Florence 大戰金牌媒人 Mei Ling(Behind the scene)

  1. Dana

    我見到Florence d 片段都o 晒嘴。我想share一句說話,希望對佢有幫助,因為我曾幾何時都有Florence個種lum法。

    Beauty will attract people but character will make them stay.

    You don’t even get to start when you don’t let people start noticing you.

    and, 在關係中如果只想問對方能為自己付出多少,一段關係不會成立,因為你需要人錫,佢都需要。

    根據Florence的邏輯,我可以再送你多一句:if you want your prince charming, then be the princess.

  2. funny


    我平日都不多看電視,現在卻天天期待10:30!我有的朋友認為婚介人connie(第一集那位)和mei ling把話說得太狠,過份打擊florence,但我倒覺得她們是實話實說。florence的想法實在太理想化,男人看女人,都是越美越愛的,尤其在毫無感情基礎的情況下(如speed dating),不必美也至少要外表過關,外表過了關才能進一步了解你的內在美吧。harsh點說句,florence的外表尚未過關啊,希望她能早日面對現實吧,不知到最後一集她明白了沒有。:p


  3. J.Lau

    How come ONLY Mandy’s age has never been published?! That will be difficult for audience to comment in general or feel involve when watching~

  4. Elizabeth Chen

    The swing with Florence….nothing to say!

  5. David W.

    樓上Dana有一句 講得好好 “Beauty will attract people but character will make them stay”.

    因為從男性角度去睇, 女孩子樣子吸引係第一步. 認識後就會好注重女孩子內在了, e.g. 佢既人生觀, 與自己既興趣, 大家相處既, 默契, etc.

  6. Jessica

    其實女為"悅"己者容!這句話都有教啦!Florence 既然都對自己搵另一伴都有少少要求,佢話:有無錢,唔重要!最重要係唔好大五年或細多過5年!

  7. Kentcc

    盛女愛作戰, 好有趣好女權的節目, Winnie Leung 以前不知乜水, 現在知了.. 節目題才富商業性..
    其中個Florence and Mandy 不太喜歡..一個講內在, 一個又話愛情不重要,

    Mandy- 昨天在節目中好似話擇偶條件是能駕X她的, 比她更smart的

    個人認為男女各有所長, 女仕常說男女平等. 女性已能頂半個天. 為何計算男的有多能力. 男有男的生存責任, 女有女的生存責任. 人的楷級只是三角型, 男找女向下看, 女找男向上看, 如果女任認同男女平等為行不向平看或向下看


  8. Jasmine

    我都好想參加, 幾時出盛女愛作戰二呀?

  9. Kali

    我都好想問, 點解個個素顏, 而Mandy會化哂粧??? (可能其他唔想化粧)
    咁又點解MANDY無AGE既表明? 而且又話愛情只係生命1/3? (佢係唔係媒呢?監製以什麼欽點佢呢?)

  10. Jovi

    睇完你個節目,其實都好明點解佢地搵唔到男朋友!最大問題係心態問題。好多女仔成日話自己冇bf,其實真係要認真諗下,認識自己多d,此節目真可以作借鏡。Good Show!!

  11. Lourdes


  12. kitty


  13. 美美


  14. Cherry

    Winnie, so sorry to let you know that on the show, I don’t see your sincerity to help the gals…I hope that’s not true but your gossiping with Kenji and your giggles on Florence made me feel you have no respect for her, frankly I was quite disappointed about that scene and the program, aren’t you guys trying to help instead of looking down on others who take on courage to come on stage?

  15. Cherry

    Winnie, so sorry to let you know that on the show, I don’t see your sincerity to help the gals…I hope that’s not true but your gossiping with Kenji and your giggles on Florence made me feel you have no respect for her.

  16. Cherry

    Sorry if I have doubled my comment, even though personally I don’t agree with Florence stubborness and her being unrealistic, I don’t agree you have to be that mean to her even though you want to create noise on your blog.

  17. june

    Agreed with Cherry! Even i dont agree with Florence but please show your respect

  18. Al Sidley


  19. Kali

    原來Mandy 一早識Winnie…….咁有興趣睇其怹4個了.

  20. Miss p

    and on the other episode, when you and the other coach commented that Bonnie was “bitchy” (dont remember the exact wordings) after the cruise trip, i think you two behaved even worse than Bonnie.

  21. falcon

    As a guy, I agree with “Miss p”, Bonnie was just acting like a typical “kong girl” and a lot of local hong kong guys are okay with that, i don’t think you guys should force to install those “island-side attitudes” to this Bonnie girl.

  22. nancy

    我都同意cheey講法, 由其winnie和那個髮形師對話,最無品.

  23. siubear

    I feel hilarious when I heard about the comments of the I-banker / consultants at the end of episode 2. They think that girls are attractive if they read economist and listen to TedPod. I really wanna know how many HK girls will know what TedPod is? Or am I the only one who haven’t listened to it yet?

  24. mary

    echo with Cherry and June, I do think that you look down on Florence, and your way of ” so called helping” is somehow teasing at her. Everyone’s character are shaped by their upbringings, and ppl around them. I dun think we can judge one another, u may turn things into like gossiping…

  25. ASDF

    I am a girl from Hong Kong. To siubear: I think it’s TedTalks? Not TedPod. Those so-called i-bankers/ consultants are just so pretentious. Anyone can pretend to read the Economist and watch “inspiring” Ted talks. Just because (1) The average standard of men in Hong Kong is low and (2) the female population is greater than the male population, those guys think so highly of themselves.
    Anyway, the best ‘instructor’ on the show is Queenie Chan. She is really attractive and actually supportive of the contestants.

  26. aileen


  27. AJ

    Florence is very stubborn indeed. i dont agree that Winnie is being mean to her. In fact – i think Florence needs someone to yell at her and tell her the truth. otherwise she will just continued to live in her fantasy world. as an accountant for Florence, the basic of accounting should give her a very clear idea. Everything will have depreciation. as her age, what more could she expect? stop pretending she doesnt require a man in her life. agreed with winnie that if florence doesnt want a man, she wouldnt enter this show!! Winnie – i have been reading your blog ever since u started it. keep it up – dont be affected by the negative comments these days!!!

  28. kentcc

    Dear Siubear and ASDF

    I don’t think so with Siubear, (how many HK girls will know what TedPodis), I don’t know what is TED also. but we can not said or think how many HK girl know. Maybe have many. you said like that is not respect the girl

    I don’t think so with ASDF, average standard of men in Hong Kong is Low.
    I don’t know why read ecomoist is high. And read other is lower?? ecomoist only a subject for the model world. Don’t know ecomosit will died?? I only know no farmer to product food we will died.

    personal comments.

  29. CC

    老實講佢真以50歲 lor, 就算著套suit 也成個嬸嬸, 我雖則應同你要找一個可以接受你不打扮, 只愛你內在美的男人. 但你要明白你憑什麼要個男人第一眼見到你就想花時間向你成身上去發掘你的內美呢.
    連我同老公也一路睇一路講, 雖然老既時也會醜和走樣, 內在美先重要. 但點去令男人覺得你有內在美呢? 又唔係你條蟲鬼知你有幾好咩. 所以初相識都係先留意外在美唔先再慢慢相處去發掘你的內美. 一見到你個樣就以為你大個佢都唔會想同你發展la. 初相識又唔會立刻問你真實年齡, 鬼知你原來39, 咁樣你巳經小左一批機會la. 又唔係叫你去醫學美容, 要攪到好靚, 但起碼你也要化下妝, 打扮下, 望落去年輕又開朗d la. 皮膚又差.咁好難有男人想去了解你.

    我同老公都希望你唔好再固執 la. 你要明白男人越老越型, 佢有好多二+多歲出頭小女争. 就你開出找男友的要求, 一個咁既男人因咩事要用咁多心機去取悅一個中女身上呢? 唔好同我再講愛就會為你做. 因為中年男人咁得閒和用咁多心機去取悅一個中女身上只會係愛浦人士, 愛浦人士多女棟又唔輪到你la.

    sorry, 以上係好hurt , 希望你想想接受現實.

  30. FANS

    TEDTALKS, DOGTALKS 唔識喎, ECOMOIST 又唔識, 唔知佢地有無睇過東方新地, X周刊…. 唔知佢地識唔識係上水去元朗可以搭咩巴士呢??

  31. CHXX

    個florence真係唔係好掂, 太有自信, 可能同佢本身學歷, 收入有關, 但其實呢d野同拍拖係冇關係, 相反可能仲縮窄左佢搵伴侶嘅圈子. 改變吓啦, 起碼個樣要笑多d, 我個人覺得佢個樣好”仇”, 好似成日都唔開心咁, 如果唔佢肯扮吓, 化吓妝, 我覺得佢都可以靚, 好靚就冇佢份, 起碼唔會而家咁全城比人插!

    另外, 個節目做得果十集, 真係少左d!!! 十卜十卜十卜十卜

  32. eva

    我知道街邊有個乞兒其實好有內涵好有修養的, 唔知 Florence 會唔會想同佢有進一步發展呢…..

  33. Queen S

    winnie是丑八怪,为什么自己不先整容才上电视,看到你丑八怪的脸真的无法忍,更加没有想到的是你的内心比你的脸还要丑,,,不是说上帝是公平的吗?为什么winnie leung你一无是处呢?呵呵

  34. Jazzy Cat


    你有要求人,人都會要求你。呢個世界就係咁簡單。香港好多盛女就係乜都 me me me,你又幾叻都無用,係人都比你嚇走。點解唔可以諗下人0地0既感受? 發覺越高級越叻0既女仔仲難,因為佢 head 住人,自然有人會擦佢鞋,好難換轉就人。

    Florence 可能屋企太有錢,寵慣,唔會就人。


  35. Vincent


    睇左3集. 我個人覺得Bonnie最大問題只係過份熱情. 有時候女仔太過份熱情會比倒人感覺有點虛偽. 雖然佢自己未必係咁既人. 但就會比左呢個咁既印象男性.

    男仔頭亦唔係咩問題, 只係睇對方會唔會偏好呢一個類型而已. 我覺得為左搵倒另一半去改變自己性格好無謂. 當然都要睇你搵另一半既出發點係咩.
    如果只係想要個伴侶陪你過世唔洗做單身一族. 當然可以改變自己迎合市場提高自己競爭力
    但如果好似Florence呢類. 係希望係呢個資本, 現實既社會仲搵倒愛情. 咁我覺得無需要要改變自己. 就算真係改左之後比你搵倒男朋友/老公. 但呢個對象或關係已經同你一開始想要既相距甚遠.

    Florence呢個女仔. 我覺得好唔錯. 佢呢類型女仔係我一直以黎都遇唔倒既理想類型. 我31歲. 你問我會唔會揀佢?我會. 大8年有咩問題? 我唔覺得我係唯一個覺得女朋友大自己8年無問題既男性. 所以我亦唔明白點解Winnie同Mei Ling講到Florence既要求的成功機會係零?
    有時候有2個男性條件都好好, 點解你會揀A唔揀B? 但唔一唔一定係A好過B. 只係每一個人都有自己既特質. 果個人既特質岩你, 吸引倒你. 你就會揀佢.

    係呢個咁現實既地方同社會, 呢個年齡層(30-40)無錯絕大部份人都會用”條件”去衡量一個人. 就係咁先顯得Florence呢類女仔珍貴.
    你知唔知一個有學歷, 有見識, 有好收入既人但仲可以對愛情有憧憬既人有既難得? 好多一係屈就求其嫁個對佢好/有錢既男人就算. 一係就直情放棄唔搵,同自己講單身一樣可以生活精彩.

    就係因為好多呢度D滿身銅臭, 所有野都要統計去追求成本效益既人襯托下. Florence先特別可愛!
    當呢個社會咩都係講成本同機會既時候, 連最後少少人與人之間既真誠, 尊嚴同夢想都堅持唔倒. 咁談戀愛黎做咩?

  36. SoUnqinekie

    老實講,第一眼睇 florence 仲以為佢係賓籍人士.

  37. not winnie fan

    florence 都设有說錯,我想找一個接立自己樣的人.(不過她的說法,有些rude)
    那些so call experts ,衹知道改变面和衣常.teach the girl some terrible advises to get the man.

    even tell you how to answer a sms or whatspp.
    awful awful people with untrue advise.
    florence like to find a young pretty man with high profession is not a guilt.這是她意思,為甚麼網文給她很多不好批平.
    不是美女就沒有男友. 這香港錯文化真是要改.

  38. anon

    I have not seen the program, but my friends have been talking about it, so I looked it up on the web. To my surprise, the Florence that everyone is talking about is the Florence whom I knew from a very young age. I could tell you that Florence is a person with a BIG HEART, very caring towards others, dedicated, true to her own beliefs and principles. How wrong is it to stick to your own dream? How low should you go with your expectation just to get a man to have a relationship with? Looking at some of the women around us, many bend over backwards for the other half just for the sake of staying in a relationship which does not bring her happiness. I agree with the above comment, do you really need to be young and pretty ( or for that matter, look like one of the barbie doll models that have become so popular nowadays) before you will find true love? I do wonder sometimes.

  39. anon2

    A big heart is good, but it is not enough. To give a cliche quote “To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did”.

    There is nothing wrong with sticking to your dreams and values. On the other hand, there is also nothing wrong with staying single. Unfortunately, the past 10 years has shown that her lifestyle and the (supposedly) goal of being in a long term committed relationship does not go together. Ultimately, I don’t know what Florence wants, but if she whats more than what she has now, maybe she should consider some change.

    There is a very fine line between conviction and stubbornness…

  40. anon2

    Vincent: Even though you say you would date her, maybe she wouldn’t date you!

    The bigger problem with Florence is not what she offers, but what she demands!

  41. 路人甲

    大家咁熱烈討論人地, 不如用多d時間檢討下自己, how to be a better man, 那只是另一個不入流的節目, 樣樣都好似幫緊d主角, 不過只係硬消緊一d一部份人的 價值觀, 永遠只係剪一d佢地認為觀眾想睇嘅位, 如果可以係每天個半小時就可以明白一個人,仲要係五個人分, 咁大家都會係FBI嘅讀心專家,

  42. Alexander

    整個節目很多整容的女人 – Winnie, Mandy, Mei Ling, Queenie, …看完節目,覺得有好多妖怪,佢地呢班似泰國人妖d樣,好唔舒服,佢地唔能代表眾多香港女仕!男人是喜歡自然美,不是人妖樣嘅女人,好假!!

  43. fuxk you


  44. bb

    女性要找另一半through 中介人公司或媒人相睇, 多少化是應該的.是礼貌表現也好,是想自己看上去靚一点也好,都是必須做的,必須acknowledge自己不是+八廿二,再是青春廹人那種了,况且相信青春廹人那種也必急於找match makers 幫手.
    我覺得那一羣 so-called i-bankers 太自視過高了!太虛偽了! 要女伴必須睇economist?信佢一成都嫌多,佢地扮嘢啫,唔駛同佢地搞認真.

  45. Jenny wong

    其實我識的成熟小姐們中, 也有像Florence歲數的,直腸直肚,說話使人難受, 但她們通常都會一起shopping, 一起食飯, 有相同信仰, 她們的態度也會很保護自己, 入迷相信自己信奉的真理至完美主義, 對不感興趣的或條件差的男士, 只會利用幫忙做事, 事後覺得理所當然, 這類盛女羣族真的存在.

  46. Pooh

    Old + sad + difficult
    Florence = mission impossible

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