

如果你不知我在說甚麼,請現click 入:(「Wee-宏-宏」with Krystyna (2010/03) 我拍了第一張彩光氣場照!

這次因為找來 Karim 替我做能量清除的治療,所以一共拍了兩張  Aura Reading 的彩光氣場解讀照片,去看真 Before and After 的分別。


好,先解說一下這張 “Before” 的彩光氣場照。

最貼近我的那層光,才最能反影當下。而圍著我的都是白光。白光代表: 心靈導向,對宇宙神性開放而接納,和宇宙意識合一,超然於世俗瑣事,內在的感悟,宇宙的智慧,年輕孩子,能量工作者,經常深思冥想者。Well,這個,真是不意外囉!

我今次的中間層和外層主要都是黃光這代表:陽光,熱情,開朗,幽默,樂觀進取,有智識,開放,溫暖,輕鬆,快樂,具有組織能力,充滿希望和靈感,願意支持鼓勵他人,同時有化繁為簡的能力。Karim 說可用一個字來形容我:High!

當然,在黃光中也見到紫色這代表我的 特殊個性和魅力。尤其是很多紫色在我喉嚨位置,是因位我能頭過說話來吸引人(這絕對跟我做訓練很 match)。

左右兩邊主要是綠色 照片的左邊的彩光,是代表了我已經表達出的能量,這能量頻率是可以讓周圍的人看見或感覺到的。而右邊則是我的 正在進入的能量氣場。所以,都是代表:堅持,忍耐,不屈不撓,固執,有耐心,服務心,奉獻心,有責任感,賦予工作和事業高度的價值,對崇高的理想和個人成就具有極大的企圖心,具有專注和適應的能力。綠色彩光代表學習成長,父母,社工人員,諮詢師,是屬於心理學家以及專注於為世界帶來正面改變的人。

做完治療後 (治療只是很relax 的躺著,然後 Karim 會用手在我的氣場上做他要做的事。除了會觸碰我額頭,膝蓋和腳板外,他沒有碰我別處),Karim 問我有甚麼感覺。我說:”Very Calm!”然後在拍一張彩光氣場照,出來的結果也正正代表著好 calm (詳和)。Amazing!

在短短 50 分鐘左右過後,我的氣場完場變了!由好high,calm 了下來!

包圍我的依然是白色。然後是紫色,綠色,再來紫色,然後最外層是藍色。這一張的能量,跟我半年前拍的有點像。Karim 說,其實這個該會是自然的我那一面。

對比下,我 Before and After 最大的不同是從用腦調節回去用心,由變化多端+即興調節回去自我的忠誠與信任。


Karim 說,我右邊的粉紅色是代表我的自我尊重,而中間的紫色是我的 spirituality (靈性)。




當然,奉勸那些認為 Karim 不過在部照相機做手腳而拍得這些照片的人,你千萬不要去,無謂浪費時間了!

Karim 這次會留在香港至到 9 月 18 號。如你也想拍彩光氣場照或做能量治療去清清自己不平衡或負能量,可致電:2810 8694 預約。(好多booking 的,要約就快!)

地址:中環奧卑利街  The New  Age Shop


9 thoughts on “彩光氣場照(2010/09)

  1. meme

    Hi Winnie, love your blog and thanks for the sharing. I’m going to meet Krystyna next Tue, very nervous + excited, but dunno what to do….should I ask her something or she will “automatically” know what I want to know/ what I’m worrying about? Thank you so much Winnie!

  2. winnieleung

    Oh meme, you don’t need to worry anything. Just relax and the moment you sit down, Krystyna will start ‘automatically’ and tell you what your spirits / angels/ masters wanna tell you. She might as you questions in the middle of the session. Do share with me your experience after seeing her, please!

  3. meme

    Thanks Winnie! Sure I’ll share my experience after seeing her.
    I’ve been interested in spiritual reading some time ago. I have met some traditional Chinese fortune tellers, but I didn’t received any ‘useful’ info. about myself(I’m sure you know what I mean) then I reckon it’s the spiritual directions I have to look for. In these couple of yrs I’m going through some kind of spiritual awakening, I seriously think the world and people are all wrong in every minute…..I mean they got too focus on economic development but not saving the earth etc etc…I know this is time to step out to learn why and what should I do to my thoughts… I’m glad I hv the chance to know your blog, Winnie :D

  4. winnieleung

    meme: trust yourself, as well as your mission this life time! I’m looking forward to your sharing and I wish you could have a better understanding about your purpose in this life time so you can serve that purpose accordingly :D

  5. meme

    Hi Winnie, now my mind is full of things that I have to do…a little bit upset, coz she ask me to cut off the negative energy in my relationship, I didn’t ask Krystyna about my future as I planned before the meeting, I realized I have to work on myself first, then I’ll get a clearer picture of my future . So, if anyone who want to move up to higher spiritual level, this is a great experience…something she said is unbelievable, she talked about my past life that explained my gifts, what she told me about myself and my body is very true indeed.

    Hope you can write more in the spiritual aspect Winnie :D

  6. winnieleung

    meme: just in case you have mixed up cut off negative energy with ‘cut off the relationship’ that make u upset, let me explain a bit to you, cos I’m facing exactly the SAME issue – I mean I need to cut off the negative energy in my relationship. It’s actually very VERY annoying to have someone full of negative energy around me, and now, I would imagine being protected by a layer of white light and then if there is anything negative around, I will imagine having a gold scissors with me and simply ‘cut! cut! cut!’. It doesn’t mean that you don’t love him.
    Ok, I will write more spiritual stuffs and thank you for supporting. Stay tuned :)

  7. meme

    Thank you Winnie. Yes Krystyna explained something like this…she(my soul) advice me either asking him to leave(through the third eye) or stay but work on the relationship…

    I was so scared this morning like I was going to have an exam! After seeing her I was so tired, but now I feel like having more positive energy again! I started behaving differently, I mean I tend to behave what my soul actually want me to do…

    She mentioned something about my healing ability, maybe this is something I should study/learn for helping others? Look forward to your experiences:)

  8. Steven

    hi winnie, if you can remember i re-audit my mastery in HK, i have decided to wrap-up and headed back to KL just few days ago, it has been a awesome 3 yrs experience about life!!! thx for sharing this information on energy field, also fascinate me!!! i am sure as the world continue to become smaller, if not heading to “oneness” i be able to catch up with you lots one day : Steven Leong (Malaysia)

  9. winnieleung

    Steven: OF COURSE I remember you!!! Just that I cannot believe I’ll see you here! Never know you read my blog! Hey, you moved back to KL from Shanghai, right?

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