Singin' in the rain!

I'm singin' in the rain ...



現在,天晴下雨我心情都一樣 sunshine,唯獨最頭痛是在雨中穿什麼好?

要防水+美麗+有形+不會發霉等既 functional 又 beautiful。

昨天, 在不知什麼顏色的暴雨警告下,我決定來一個在過去最少 30 年來都沒出現過的造型外出:雨衣+雨靴。


自從前兩年徐濠縈穿起一對 Hunter 雨靴之後,雨靴再度流行起來,現在一下雨便整條街都是穿上潮雨靴的人。而我這對紫色花喱碌 rain boots 則在 4 年前買的。當是未有流行穿 rain boots,但是某天路過百貨公司見到它就一見鍾情。雨靴是來自意大利的品牌,用上環保材料製做,整對靴都是硬身的。記得當時只有大、中、細碼各一對,銷售員告訴我全港只有那 3 對,嘩!那麼獨一無二,我二話不說便以六百多元買了。自此,每逢我穿這對 rain boots 時,總會有人稱讚和問我在那裡買 - 包括昨天。

穿著雨靴和前天才買的鮮艷雨衣輕盈地穿梭於人群中,結果都引來路人甲乙丙丁由頭看到落腳的眼光,五個朋友大讚和被三個人攔截搭訕 (當中一個法國男遊客)。

買到有型的衣著,當然希望會 be seen 啦!昨天,過了一個滿心歡喜的快樂下雨天!

新買的日本製桃紅斗篷雨衣,其實真的不知幾錢。寫這個blog 時才去看看收據,$342,在銅鑼灣地鐵站 F 出口 DHL 隔離的店。還有其它顏色,乾濕褸,和圓點款色


17 thoughts on “Singin' in the rain!

  1. minime

    Oh~ you were at Dr. Tse’s clinic..hehehe….she is such a great doctor. I become her patient after your recommendation. =)

  2. winnie leung

    yin: oh thank you. Yes I am not. Hope this reply serves your intention (whatever it is) of leaving such a comment.

  3. winnie leung

    Daphne: haha thx very much. Btw, I told Dr Tse about u already and she said the other Dr Tse has called her in regards your need, too :). Enjoy yout treatment, whatever it is

  4. yin

    I’m not going to hurt u,
    I just want to say what in my mind.

  5. Jessica Chan

    Cool….the rain boot is really nice and not expensive ne!

  6. Andrea


  7. Fanny chung

    好正呀!!!我想買水靴好耐la…但每次試因小腿位太鬆而放棄..但你的好似好fit ar…

  8. karen

    i’ve the exact same rain boots asu do! i got it in lane crawford few years ago! i dun believe it’s only 3 of it in hk…..

  9. winnieleung

    Jessica Chan: yeah, it has 10% off now. if you wanna get one and need exact shop name, i can find it 4 u

  10. winnieleung

    Andrea: 係啊?原來你又係紫色粉絲!我發現看我個blog/文章的人好多都喜歡紫色啊!

  11. winnieleung

    Lizz: 不如你上網找找啊!個品牌叫 Lofu,我見有e shop,你看看可否send 來 HK?! 有 幾隻色啊!

  12. winnieleung

    Fanny chung: 不過我這對不是其他靴那樣軟身,是硬的,都會好多空位啊,如果你想買,你看看 他們的e shop 啊!

  13. winnieleung

    karen: Really? 唉,我呢D 無知婦女,好易被騙。Anyway,也許sales 說是他們的唯一啦!不過都不緊要!著得開心。You still wear it?

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