
剛收到有關當局「號外」消息:我推介兼花了一年多時間測試的瘦身武器~蜂蜜陳醋和野蜂蜜,首批抵港給我讀者的首 300 套,已在18 小時內被大家瘋狂訂購並售罄!!!

我真的非常感謝大家對我的信任和支持,不枉我出來見見大家和親身分享我的瘦身心得!THANK YOU SO MUCH!

對,我從不買帳,有時大把錢想塞給我,品質過不到我那關,我就怎都不會寫。但如果真的見效,我連出去幫手都會願意!不過,我真的好 excited 可首次跟一直都在支持我的你們見到面和交流很多東西!

Anyway,年尾流流,沒理由一掃而空這麼不好意頭,所有好事當然要 33 不盡,66無窮啦!所以各位請注意:

經我強烈要求後,瘦身/健康蜂蜜醋 現在會為我親愛的讀者們率先接受預訂!(否則分分鐘要等兩個月喇!)據了解,總壇說最快可於過農曆年後先安排少量(可能幾十套),然後就會在本月底/3月頭再來。

如果過去兩天買不到的讀者們,請你們趕快於下午 13:30後致電 2892-0133 預訂喇(要先付款的,但可過數)!


祝大家兔年要創造的結果都像這些蜂蜜陳醋的訂單一樣,33 不盡 66 無窮!!

44 thoughts on “33不盡66無窮

  1. bethYooY

    恭喜恭喜!祝妳兔年行大運 :D
    謝謝 ^.^

  2. Nam

    Great…Great….I just call and no one anwer…leave msg and wait for call back. Thank you again Winnie ^^



  4. flora

    Dear 衰鬼豆,

    Do you miss me?HeeHee….

    Didnt find you recently cause i am not really happy these days (cause of

    a shit guy),and busy on job hunting!

    I saw you in 铜鑼坊 yesterday?我和你有對望?

    但我不肯定是不是你所以冇HI 你~ :P


  5. Joey Hui

    Hi Winnie,

    你好有energy and charm ar!!!

    我是昨天買了3支蜂蜜醋+ 再番來買左個Fake print birkin+ 影左張相 個一位女仔.
    下次想回來買介紹的洗面soap la



  6. zoe lam

    Hi! Winnie,

    祝你新一年 萬事如意! 身體健康!


  7. Fion

    Hi Winnie,

    Do you know if they will ship it to LA? Really want to give it a try…….

    Thank you.

    Happy New Year.

  8. Joyce

    Hi Winnie, 請問你之前在more介紹過在台灣買的那支很好用的抗敏、止痕癢gel是甚麼牌子呢?因我而家在台灣想買啊!!Thanks!!!

  9. winnieleung

    bethYooY:多謝你。你有沒有胃病?如過有,飯後飲,沒得傾!如過沒有,基本上,你在任何一餐之前飲就會發揮最大功效啊!而我,已經不理的了,喜歡就喝 :S

  10. winnieleung

    Nam: Did someone get back to you then? Cos they are super super busy at shop but I know they have listened to every single message and replied already ~ I think this is basic customer service so I have URGE THEM TO FOLLOW STRICTLY :)

  11. winnieleung

    CHERRY: 飲成點樣啊?快D 分享啊!有問題就留言比我啦!

  12. winnieleung

    Joey: THx so much!! OMG, energy and charm ~ 這兩個形容詞,經常都圍繞我啊!wakakakakakak!hahahahah,自大自大自大狂!你開始飲未?你今日飲左未?快快share 啊!等你好消息!

  13. winnieleung

    zoe lam:我從來都不愛讓讀者失望的!我叫有關當局聯絡你好無?安排送貨就ok 啦!

  14. winnieleung

    Fion:YES! you can start buying it at their ONLINE SHOP which will be in service after Mid-Feb,you email them first:order@bitchystore.com

  15. winnieleung


  16. cherry


  17. Nam

    Hi, Winnie, 佢哋有同事年三十晚(2 Feb)打番俾我, 因為我想買 一set , 佢哋話會send 番個sms 俾我通知我入數ge户口號碼….之但係, 我諗佢哋太忙, 無send 到或send 漏俾我!

    唔緊要啦,佢哋話初四會開工, 我會再試下打俾佢哋! ^^

    Anyway, 唔該晒Winnie!

  18. Joyce

    Winnie, 真係可以幫我托你朋友買幾套抗敏gel嘛?你真係好好人啊!!那我可怎樣和你聯絡?還有,我想買2套蜂蜜陳醋,昨天已留言到bitchy store, 如果初四開工那天過數給他們,大概甚麼時候可拿貨呢?好想快d試下飲呀!!如初四那天到銅鑼灣那邊可以即時拿貨嘛?請回覆!!

  19. winnieleung

    Joyce: 係啊,你等我這幾天叫個friend幫我搞。不過,你可否告訴我你需要支gel 用來幹嘛,讓我問清楚是否合用,那就更好吧!以我所知,該是$100-$120 的。至於蜂蜜陳醋,如初四你過數,月底就有,因為一個月只回翻貨一次,次次都限量的(純天然製品是這樣,不同外面那些人工醋)。你email :order@bitchystore.com,好快會有人覆,肯定快過你打電話,因為他們說電話響到接不了!

  20. Nam

    Winnie, 收到email 啦! 真係唔該晒妳! 今日之內一定入數! heeee~~~

  21. Minime

    Oh Winnie. 我15 號先返 HK 呀!仲有冇得訂呀? thanks

  22. Kirsten

    Hello Winnie,
    May i know if they have a website? If so, do you mind send to me? TIA

  23. kawaii

    Winnie ~~ 仲有冇呀..??可以點訂呀..??

  24. juno

    Hello, Winnie.
    請問妳飲用的是Honey Vinegar HK$180,
    不是Natural Wild Honey HK$120?


  25. Teresa

    Hi Winnie, its Teresa who dropped by the BItchy Shop and bought a few of your good stuff yesterday afternoon. Thanks for listening to my weight-gaining story and gosh, I never thought you are so easy to talk to :P
    If you have time for more of my story, please email me, I really treasure your views, comments or criticisms. :)
    Btw, the lip balm smells so good that i can’t stop putiing it on and on and on…..

  26. Joyce

    Winnie, 因為我嘅皮膚好敏感,成日都會有過敏、痕癢嘅情況出現,有時仲會有濕疹添!同埋我做嗰行好易整親("辣"傷),所以我想買定嗰支你話好好用嘅gel旁身,那我以上嘅情況合用嘛?至於蜂蜜醋,我已成功過數並且預訂了兩套了,謝謝你的information!!!!

  27. winnieleung

    Teresa, you are sooooo welcome! I do care about people, and that’s why I’m a trainer la! Hope you wouldn’t mind me being busy-body! hahaha. Sure, you can also drop me an email at: winnieleungblog@gmail.com. I think I can write longer emails starting next week as I’ll be home (Canada) and nothing to do! Take Care!

  28. Kirsten

    Hi Winnie… I noticed u’ll be coming home next week will I have the opportunity to meet u? Wow how long u going to stay here? Maybe u should bring some of your beauty products to your readers in here as well~~

    Btw ive emailed them but they still didn’t get back to me… :(

  29. Kirsten

    Coz I m your die hard fans ah..
    Will you bring some of the good products over and share with us u know we can’t get all the good stuff u always mentioned I reallie want to try the lip balm and the vinegar ( of coz u can’t carry the vinegar I know )

  30. winnieleung

    Kristen, tell me how many you want for the lip balms as they are running out soon. Vinegar-wise, u can buy online very very soon…. but perhaps I should also look for a place in canada to sell my stuffs :D Where are u in Cadada? BC? Ontario? Others?

  31. Kirsten

    Winnie: Can i have two lip balms pls? Your lovely frd Maisy suggests evie的純香薰卸妝油, Do u know how much is it? Also is it possible if you can get it as well? I live in Ontario……Pls email me for more update info about your arrival…TIA^^

  32. winnieleung

    kwan: 銅鑼灣謝斐道 501-515 號,Red Mall 21-22 號鋪。建議你玩 Facebook 的話,可加入 “Bitchy Store” 就會知道好多新消息啊!

  33. winnieleung

    kwan: 香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 501-505 號 (總統戲院街口萬寧直行 7-11 隔離)銅鑼坊 Red Mall 21-22號鋪。建議你如有玩facebook 的話,請加入“Bitchy Store” 去拿第一手資訊。

  34. sukeiwu


  35. winnieleung

    sukiewu:無啦,你現在訂要 5 月才有,但不訂呢,就肯定沒有。你用Facebook 的嗎?建議你玩 Facebook 的話,可加入 “Bitchy Store” 就會知道好多新消息啊!

  36. sukeiwu

    thxxxx!winnieleung 咁我係咪係Facebook就可以訂到?

  37. winnieleung

    sukiewu:NO la,不如你email 去order@bitchystore.com 訂啦

  38. sukeiwu


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