



不過還好,因為我擺明就不是走玉女條線,這麼多年來我的髮質造就我去玩更屬於我,帶點 rock 味的 spiky style。亂髮跟了我很多年,直到最近…我再亂唔起

事發於半年前起,一天我如常去君悅 il colpo 找 Kenji 做trimming。雖然洗頭那位哥仔並沒有像Kenji 跟我合作近6年這麼久,但都幫我洗頭洗了一年。他邊洗邊問我:「點解你啲頭髮既感覺唔同咗?」但我不以為意,只答句:「係?」。好了,大概十分鐘後便到Kenji 說:「喂,你個頭攪過啲乜?好滑好順哦!」他在我頭上撥了幾撥再笑著說:「真係啊!」那一刻,我終於相信原來之前幾星期我開始覺得自己的髮質變順滑了並不是幻覺,而是事實!

我想,應該是跟我食的supplements 有關

去年12月,我再一次訂購些維他命啊魚油丸啊冬蟲草啊等等的健康食品。我話「再一次」,是因為我早在5年前已食過一排而我也知道是有效的,但無奈我真的很怕很怕很怕吞「藥丸」,所以便停止了。我吃的是在銅鑼灣一家很有名的直銷商買的,我只是它的用家而不是分銷商。在我明查暗訪下得知令我的髮質有這麼 dramatic 的改變,應該是Marine Omega-3魚油丸的原故。消委會於去年也曾對這個產品做過測試,好消息是相對市面其他同類產品,我吃的是一點DDT類殺蟲劑也沒有。


「你係咪又瘦咗?」「點解你啲頭髮唔同晒既?」「你幾時結婚啊?」「你染咗髮啊?無?你啲頭髮好黑啊!」「你個頭攪咩啊?好貼哦!」「你係咪做咗color 啊?」

而最誇張就莫過於在上個月,因為前男友Mr J從加拿大回港渡假,我們幾個十多年沒見的 high school 同學攪了個reunion。當我坐下之後,旁邊的Mr L 在跟我打過招呼後便用手拍拍我的頭然後又掃掃我的頭髮。11年無見,他跟我正式說的第一句話竟是:「個頭靚咗 口甘 多既?」可想而知,我髮質的轉變是有多大和多明顯有多震撼。唯獨可笑的是,在前幾個月還以為自己有「幻覺」時,我耐不耐就問身邊那個:「喂,你摸下,我頭髮啲texture好似唔同咗係咪啊?」但是他一直跟我說:「無啊...唔覺得。」


男人,我不用你天天用花言巧語讚美我,那太假。我只想你在我興致勃勃為了和你約會而穿了新的衣服,或者穿了我喜歡的 YSL Tribute Pump, 又或者戴了很難才買得到的 Collier de Chien Cuff Bracelet 的時候,你會看一看,然後笑一笑。又或者說句話讓我知道你有留意到。讓我知到你 appreciate 我為你而作的打扮




















12 thoughts on “變質

  1. winnieleung

    Hello Haidy, thank you for supporting!!!! Please keep on reading and share your thoughts with me, too!!!

  2. Kennis

    first time to leave a message here~~
    i want to know where can i buy this (Marine Omega-3) ….. many thanks

  3. winnieleung

    Hello Kennis. You can buy Marine Omega 3 @ “Nuskin / Pharmanex’ 26/F Windsor House in Causeway Bay. HOWEVER, because it’s a direct marketing company, you need to become member in order to get a discounted price otherwise you’ll need to pay a lot more (you don’t need to pay to become a member!) I am just a user, I am not their sales. If you need any help, let me know!

  4. Kennis

    oh many many thanks !! i will try to find out by myself first ….. ha ha i let you know if i need your help !! you are so nice !! thank you so much !

  5. viv

    alo, can u tell me where to buy 冬蟲草丸? many thx :))

  6. winnieleung

    Hi Viv, You can buy 冬蟲草丸 @ “Nuskin / Pharmanex’ 26/F Windsor House in Causeway Bay. HOWEVER, because it’s a direct marketing company, you need to become member in order to get a discounted price otherwise you’ll need to pay a lot more (you don’t need to pay to become a member!) I am just a user, I am NOT their sales but if you need any help, let me know!

  7. Jessica

    Hi Winnie, I’m yr reader since 99…did yr hair texture improve by the time you took lifepak some years ago? Or only after taking marine omega & cordymax & reishimax? I’m taking the same supplement & want to know more abt its effect on hair. Thks for yr sharing…

  8. winnieleung

    Hello Jessica: I’m VERY sure there is a lot to do with Marine Omega 3. Normally, the “BASIC 101″ is to take Lifepak + Marine Omega 3 together. I actually did some research to find out that, a lot of people feed their CHAMPION DOGS / CATS Marine Omega (not necessarily this brand) for sake of improving the quality of the hair of the pets! For me, it took me 3-6 months to actually see and feel the difference on the texture of my hair. How about you? How long have you been taking these supplements?!
    I’m considering buying their new skincare line, which claims to be a breakthrough in science, it’s called AgeLock.

  9. winnieleung

    btw, Jessica. A heart-felted thank you to you. Reader since 99?! I really appreciate that and this is very encouraging indeed!

  10. Jessica

    Great to hear yr experience…I hv been taking the supplements for 13 yrs (except cordymax) & am now using ageloc…this is really amazing one / must try one especially ladies like you (with high intimacy with yr own self) : )

    In fact, I lost you after you stop writing some years ago. By chance, I found yr facebook fan page through Goretti Ma’s. We’re good friends….nice to catch up with you again…be proud of you & will support you as always!!

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