說句 i luv u

「我愛你」/「I Love You」這句話真的很奇怪。













這句 「I Love You」,我曾經跟不少傷透我心的人說過很多遍,無奈最疼我的爸媽卻等到5年前才聽見。還記得,那個晚上我剛上完訓練(當時只是個學員),我打了長途電話回家跟爸媽說了句「我愛你」。媽咪大概以為我在說遺言,嚇得半死問我:「你沒事嗎?」

前幾天我臨飛之前,赶了去醫院15分鐘探一個很重要的人,邊拖著她的手邊親她額頭說了好多次:「I Love You」。

每一天,我都跟「打擰」在電話裡、在他開車坐在他身旁時、在 pillow talk、在sms 說不知幾次 「I Love You」。

每次跟小毛子通電話、MSN、sms、Facebook 通話後都是用「luv u! luv u!」或是「愛你唷!」來結尾。




Hey! I luv u!!!!!!

20 thoughts on “說句 i luv u

  1. Kit

    @_@ ! 想了一會….我發現……..我活了 30多年…..

    我從來……….沒說過一次….”我愛你” ……




  2. sammi

    haha…我成日都會send “i luv u” 比我既朋友架..I love you 就只會對男朋友講..明明兩句野係一樣..唔知點講就唔會對朋友講”I love you”….
    I was in Venus….we’ve got the venus spirit..right in our heart…………

  3. Natalie

    Winnie, 很高興你可以找到一個可以跟你共患難, 又值得你說” I LUV U”的打擰…..電視/電影中總會讓主角戲劇性地錯失說”我愛你”的機會, 人長大了, 就知道人生如戲, 應該好好把握可以說愛你的時間, 害怕後悔的感覺已遠超於外在的所謂自尊…….etc (太感性吧….keke)

    “Honey, I LUV U, I HONESTLY LUV U”….

    “Winnie, I LUV U too”…..haha……

  4. winnie the pooh

    I LUV U!

  5. Winki

    you should what i gonna to say!!
    I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. winnieleung

    Kit: 哎呀!那你為什麼沒講呢?

  7. winnieleung

    sammi, remember your family deserves your ‘i luv u’, 2!!! OMG, that “Venus” song…. gosh. We didn’t have a song, we only have a slogan: Jupiter the winner, keep on winning 4ever!! I haven’t been back for a while, I do go back once in a long while. I got another reader who is from our school and she is actually teaching there now. I promised I would go back very soon!

  8. winnieleung

    Natalie: 你有無聽過隻舊歌叫 ” I honestly love u”?(ONJ 唱的). Anyway, thank you for your luv and support. I luv u, 2!

  9. winnieleung

    winnie the pooh: 我讀左你個留言起碼10次至明你講MUD 啊!:P …. 但願你快D親口同啊 EXXX 講句 i luv u!!! 祝你快樂!還有,面子帶不到你要去的結果的啊!!!

  10. sammi

    actually I was one of the nominees for the House Captain when I was in F.6…but I lost the election…:(
    oh……teaching in MSS….so I can ask her to get me a TQ ticket…:P
    erm….do you mind if I tell you something personal…? (maybe it’s not related to your post)…actually I have been so depressed lately…..

  11. winnieleung

    sammi, it’s ok. I’ll tell u a time to leave your email address here, so I can see it and hence, could be deleted right away to protect your privacy. I’ll be back to HK in the afternoon. wait for me.

  12. C

    Winnie, it’s never to late to say it! Hope everything is well with you.
    I used to say it to my “EX” but now I just can’t say it anymore to my gf.

  13. winnie the pooh

    winnie,勁開心呀,因為收到你的回覆呀! 不過佢已放棄了我,我都無謂再多講,多謝你一直鼓勵我呀,我會俾心機考好個牌,唔會俾佢睇死我,更會默默祝福佢可以同佢最鍾意既人一起,佢快樂我都會快樂

  14. winnieleung

    C: sigh!!!! feel so pitiful after reading your message…. let’s look forward, dear!

  15. winnieleung

    winnie the pooh: 見你用‘勁開心’來形容,我都有點受寵若驚呢!多謝你如此support!我更覆你啦,你D 留言又唔係 9 唔搭8 果D! anyway,記住:塞翁失馬焉知非福 - 是真的呢!

  16. winnieleung

    小毛子: luv u luv u luv u luv u luv u ….. :)

  17. Cecilia

    I love your blog very much and totally agree your point of view. 而家我每天會睇你的留言. 你的文字到肉又抵死. I love u. Btw, 我都被depression 這病煩死. 可能因為個情字lu. 是親情又是愛情. 男人不是無, 無個像樣你話死唔死吖 ? 婚結過又離過,唔想單身又唔想再input, 都唔知搞咩 ?????

  18. winnieleung

    嘩!Cecilia,你連我D留言都‘倫’(倫骨個倫)埋啊?真係好多謝你啊!你個life 好精彩,因為你的故事都好豐富。不過你唔覺咩,咁樣先好玩 -雖然過程會辛哭同晒力D,but they make us a better person!! I love u 2!我會再覆你的,現在比較夜,你等我啊。

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