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我寫的是 「林」+「夕」= 梦 = dream。


那怕是白日夢、睡覺時的夢、夢想的夢、惡夢、甚至是春夢 … 我就是愛發夢。

Believe it or not, 我們每一晚都發夢,以8小時睡眠計算我們會平均會發4個夢,只是大部份都被忘記了。對於點解會發夢,據 Sigmund Freud、Carl Jung、Hobson & McCarley 等等不同派系的心理學家都有不同理論,但某程度上我都相信 Freud 所說,發夢是「royal road to the unconscious」,是觸碰到潛意識的一個途徑。

前晚,我跟好友 Miss O 去了我 Reiki (如不知是甚麼,可click 入:Reiki – 好靈的靈気二級靈気﹣學成歸來! ) 師傅 Deborah 家聚一聚,談到一個人能走進自己的潛意識裡面看看自己到底發生了甚麼事,為甚麼老是有一些不停在重覆又重覆的模式,又或是對同一類人同一種事情會有重覆類似的反應都確是挺有趣!當我聽到其種會有一部份,是關於夢境分析時就更吸引我。

例如 Deborah 說,曾經發現有不少中年男人不停夢見自己在高速公路開車然後越開越快,最後架車不受控而撞車嚇醒了自己。那是因為潛意識要告訴「中佬」他們的壓力甚大,生活完全 off balance。

又有個男人常夢到自己在 office 抱著推下午茶進來的啊嬸。他還以為自己暗戀了啊嬸而弄得很困惑,但原來只是潛意識要告訴他,他需要抽時間來 relax,去好好利用自己的 mothering quality 來照顧自己而已。



我也有個在過去 10 年不停又不停重覆發的夢:我常常夢到自己其實還未有大學畢業,無論我怎樣把我的 GPA 和學科總數計來計去都好,我就是欠了一科。縱使在夢裡面我已在上班也好,我在大學其實是未能畢到業的!這個「惡夢」是會不定期出現的。

另外,過去 6 年來會不定期夢見某前度跟他的女友(我都認識的)。他們每次在我的夢裡面會做不同的事扮演不同角色,但總之就愛跟我夢中見!




我也偶爾會記得那些像「單元劇」,one-off 的夢。最近,我就夢見我跟 《The L Word》入面的 Shane McCutcheon 一起去了游泳池游水,還跟她濕吻起來。嘩!How sweet!!!

Kate Moennig 在 The L Word 飾演的 Shane McCutcheon

Kate Moennig 在 The L Word 飾演的 Shane McCutcheon


無奈的是,當眼睛張開時,現實的可能性不及發夢的多;能比錢做的事也未必及發夢的精采 …

我身邊的 「打擰」常說我做人愛發夢,常常天馬行空不夠踏實。但我卻覺得這是我天賦的 talent!若然我不懂發夢,我那裡能創造這麼多別人沒想過原來真的是可以做到的結果出來?

“You may call me a dreamer, but I am not the only one!”

我收過其中一首很sweet 的情歌,是 YH 送給我 Louis Armstrong 的《A Kiss To Build A Dream On》。

如果用一個很 sweet 的吻可建設夢想,我寧願一世吻下去!!!

Deborah 的email:deborah@deborahchan.com

12 thoughts on “林夕

  1. janicevanessa


  2. Z.b

    hello Winnie :)
    謝謝妳 :)

  3. Kit

    Shane McCutcheon ??!! 好像是女生啊~嘩嘩!!

    還有呢~把夢字拆了變成了林夕 @_@ 一個很正的標題 ! 直接說明拆夢, 解夢 !

    小姐果然有才啊~!!!!!!!!! 利害.

    說到逼真的夢, 我都有一個呢, 就是會夢見我自己恨恨向一位同事踢了一腳, 哈哈~感覺上自己的腳真的踢過去一樣的爽呢~~~~ >_< V

  4. winnieleung

    Kit: Yes, Shane McCutcheon 是由 Kate Moennig 飾演,一個我很 attractive 的角色,是女生啊!
    多謝你一路的支持,我都很愛這條題! hehe! 還有,你個夢好攪笑!!

  5. winnieleung

    Hello Z.b, 多謝你啊。但連氣讀好多篇會唔會消化不良架?水瓶女來講,我都真的覺得好難相處呢,哈哈!所以,有時星座啊,甚麼號碼啊,甚麼命格啊等等,都只係參考都不一定係絕對囉。Thank you for supporting!

  6. Kennis

    小時候常夢見自己跌落樓梯,雙腳還會震一震,效果相當逼真的。 <﹣﹣ 我都時時發到到呀,有時仲會跳樓呀=。=!!!

    哈哈我都係水瓶女來的,我兩個EX都係巨蟹。。。。其實水瓶同巨蟹係吾係真係好難相處呢=。= Z.b我都係好像你一樣某日睇到WInnie 個blog 後。。。。家下我日日返工開機後就係來睇blog !!! 我真係好認同Winnie講的野! 不論男男女女做人做事!! 其實巨蟹係一個好吸引人的星座!


  7. winnieleung

    Hi Kennis: 我呢排好旺水瓶女啊,而我都發現,都相處到既!! 哈哈! 我揾日會寫下呢個TOPIC!多謝你既support! Thank you!!! 繼續支持啊!

  8. maria

    Hello Winnie,

    I very much enjoy reading your blog as I find it really inspiring. I came to know about your blog after seeing you on TV a couple of weeks ago. I was so surprised to see you as I realised we used to work in the same company. I think u just graduated back then…

    Tell u what, I have similar dreams like yours. Every now and then I dreamt about myself back in my school days even though I have already completed my degree since long back. In my dreams, I always failed to take the exam or just couldn’t attend the classes due to various reasons. I myself love to dream too … used to call myself a natural born dreamer ^_^

    Keep up with your good work :D

  9. winnieleung

    Hi Maria, I’m glad to see you here, and have spent a few minutes searching my memory bank on which company that could possibly be….
    hmmm… if u guess I just graduated then… Morgan Stanley? Oh please, do u mind giving me some hints so I would’t feel like there is a bug biting me? hahahaha.
    Thank you so much for leaving such empowering message! Regarding your dreams, I do believe it’s your sub-consciousness sending you some messages, and my hunch about my “never completed university” nightmare shall be telling me that I’m a bit off balance. Tell you what, those days (my last year at school) was very tensed ‘cos I MUST graduate, however, I just took enough courses that make me eligible and I was so scared that I would screw it up… :P
    One of my best friends (who is a house-wife now) has a repeated dream that sounds funny, too: she still dreams of forgetting to bring her PE pants to high school! I told her my hunch about her dream is about being responsible. hahaha

    I will certainly keep up my work! If you find anything inspiring here, you are more than welcome to spread it out, and of course, to share your thoughts with me!

    Awaiting your hints!!

  10. maria

    hmm… I just hope my memory didn’t get mixed up…or it will be very embarrassing :P Have you ever worked in a law firm? Did you ever have very long and straight hair?

    Somehow I think the reason why I keep having those dreams is that there are a lot things I want to do but I just lack the determination to finish them… at the same time I feel bad about it. Guess this is the part which keeps haunting me. Talking about the dream of your friend…I think I had similar one…but it’s about forgetting to bring my sneakers for the PE class keke :D

    Everytime I read your blog, it’s like I get to learn something new. I can’t agree more on what you said about sending messages to the universe. Wish I could have more 正能量like u!

  11. winnieleung

    maria: MY GOODNESS!!! It’s Baker & McKenzie!!!!! It was my summer job in 1996! I was there for 4 months! What’s even more interesting is…. u actually REALLY DO RECOGNISE ME! Thank you so much!

  12. maria

    *phew* I was right then hehe… I think we took some photos at the mid-year party at AMC… too bad I couldn’t find them. Back then you already gave me the impression that you were always cheerful, lively and energetic.

    yeah… the moment I saw u on TV I was like “oh I know her!” though you have changed quite a bit… I am actually very happy to see you doing great in every aspect of your life…and I do mean it :)

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