
Photo downloaded from drumandmonkey.ca

這個 「者」,非人也!而是我暗戀逾 20 年,但正式戀愛只有兩個月的鼓!

其實我猜「打擰」都會挺 surprise 我對打鼓的 passion。他跟我一起這麼久,從來未見過我會這樣樂意早起床,還要山長水遠長途跋涉去上課。然後每週又總會再花好幾個小時,又一次舟車勞頓去練習。我師傅 Lawrence 問過我:「你平時都係咁 discipline 架?」我說:「No! 只係打鼓至係咁!」

上個月,因為大家姐的身體狀況每天都很 critical,我沒心機學也沒興緻練。感覺自己患上失憶症,學完的東西馬上就忘了。昨天,我下定決心承諾要練 3 個小時,打電話去 book 鼓房時,接電話那位小姐問我:「3 個鐘?得唔得啊?」「得架喇!」我馬上答。結果,我瘋狂地練了足足3 個小時。是的,真的是瘋狂的去打!

就像愛一個人的時候,我也願意很瘋狂地為他付出很多時間、精神和心思。戀愛的時候,不知怎的就連身體的狀態也十分配合,格外精神。平時仿佛患有渴睡症的也忽然間不用怎睡,可講電話到凌晨不知幾點、遊車河到天光、甚至整天在床上翻雲覆雨都沒問題!總之,一小時當三小時用,熱戀中的每分每秒永遠都好像過得特別快 …

其實我極怕嘈,但唯獨在打鼓時可跟「怕嘈」兩字絕源 - 我甚至根本不覺得它嘈。我從小都很少出汗,但偏偏打鼓會令我汗流夾背。我最討厭做運動,但明明打鼓時我全身都在動:3 小時內不停的左腳打beat右腳打base, 左手打snare右手打high head,打完high head 再打 crash。搖頭擺腰之際還不停把拍子推快,tempo 100 沒難度,好!讓我來個 110! 110 都滿足不到我,再推去 120,130!

愛一個人的時候,何嘗不像我愛打鼓那麼?總之,愛的話就甚麼都好。總之,愛就是最大權利。總之,只要愛… 就大晒!


我未攪清楚為什麼這樣愛打鼓,就如當我真正愛上一個人我都答不到為何一樣。The only thing I know is,當我在打鼓的時候,drum beat is my heart beat!


學了兩個月打鼓,到底進度如何?我誠意邀請你 click 入這二十多秒的錄音,聽聽我胡亂瘋狂地打鼓!

Drumming Practice May 6 2010

12 thoughts on “打者愛也

  1. flora

    聽左!! :D

    不錯呀,keep going dear!!!!!!! ;>)

  2. flora


    i wanna ask leh……………………….me and my fd want to plastic surgery leh,she wants to 整鼻,而我想………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..整胸! >//w<

  3. winnieleung

    flora: aiya NO NO NO NO NO NO NO整胸! NO la! really not suggested…… no matter what size u r, they’re good….don’t don’t don’t

  4. winnieleung

    flora: what for??? if you need referral of plastic surgery doctor, let me know. But please, NO boops la

  5. flora

    mo ah,i just want to travel around taiwan,tai chung…. :D

    ho ah,tang nei wa la!!! *v*

    but which doctor is good at plastic surgery ,my fd she wants to 整鼻~ :P


  6. winnieleung

    flora: u go travel to celebrate you growing another year “older” ? just a guess…hahahah
    I m actually flying taipei later today for 20 hours, and be with a guy who is so familiar with where to go. MUN YUEN WA BAY NEI TANG LA!

  7. flora

    big big smile again when i read your msg!! :D

    how do u know dear?you’re so smartt!!

    thanks for helping me! :)

  8. winnieleung

    flora: :D because…. I am Winnie Leung ha ha ha ha HAHAHAAH.. I have asked my friend, just need to clarify whether your friend wants to do Restylane or a plastic surgery?

  9. flora

    Restylane!!one more qs,sorry! :P 咁如果整眼leh?割双眼皮! //v//

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