
Something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better.” 信嗎?我信。

以上這個叫 “Fun Theory“。而玩嘢,只是為了更好。

Volkswagen就正在舉辦一個鬥創意的比賽去證明這個Fun Theory 的真確性,總之凡是在玩嘢後會改變人的行為,從而令任何人等任何事物任何環境變得更好的意念都可以參加。上過該比賽的網頁 http://www.thefuntheory.com 看過,我最impressed 的創作就是一條在扶手電梯旁邊,本已封晒塵的石屎樓梯被改裝成「鋼琴樓梯」,一級級樓梯變成大型琴鍵,只要行上樓梯級就像在用對雙腳來彈琴一樣。結果,在鏡頭裡所見,幾乎所有人都選擇步行而不乘搭扶手電梯!

如果我有機會走在這條Piano Stairs 上,我一定會帶我愛的人陪我去一起玩。我可以想像到那個畫面會是很兩小無猜那種sweet,我一定會拖著他的手樂此不倦不停在樓梯上彈來彈去

看完網頁裡幾段很有創意的短片,我不禁在想:Fun Theory 到底可以怎樣應用在我的日常生活上?

男人, 你常常投訴我衣服太多,那不如你把我每年平均的clothing expenses 用來做個Jackpot吧! 每次當我揀穿舊的衫褲鞋襪時,我就會隨機地得到一份你為我預備的surprise!那怕是粒糖也好,是你寫的便條也好,是要我把我本來所得到的捐出去也好…我也會開心。我也沒所謂。重要的是你願意為我花心思「玩嘢」。但當然,請你千萬記得偶爾也要送我一個旅行、一個很爽的massage、一個手袋、一隻AP…才好!

男人,你又常常覺得我好像不再需要你似的,那不如你返回當年那樣,每次見面時滿腦子都有著很多「玩嘢」的鬼主意吧!一時半夜三更把我吵醒山長水遠開車來帶我去joy ride、一時又失驚無神放了袋Cartier在我枕頭上…記得以前每一次跟你約會後,我都恨不得下次見面就會在一秒內發生!就像那個晚上我突然即興把你拉了過澳門大三巴傾通宵後,你也曾發了個sms跟我說:「期待下一次的驚喜!」一樣,知道嗎,其實我不過是被你所感染的!

男人, 你總是說我硬頸不愛聽你的意見,那不如你把所有你明知我不愛聽的話用另外一些很fun的方法表達出來吧!飛隻紙飛機到我的露台、用沖完熱水涼後浴室的水蒸氣來寫在鏡上、去餐廳叫樂隊唱出來、…什麼也好總之你不要再做訓導主任,我猜,我一定會很喜歡聽的!

I am a very fun person,我喜歡玩嘢玩人玩自己。



生命太短,及時行樂。Be a FUN person, enjoy doing FUN things, and HAVE FUN in life!

5 thoughts on “想玩嘢

  1. Cissy Chan

    Hello Winnie, I’m not sure will you see my message or not, but just went through your blog these days and it inspire mine lost in the past few years a lot and I design to start read your blog from the very beginning and just really wanna say I’m glad I read your blog and get knew more about you and a cancer horoscope person with the quite similar personality, but totally difference life story. I’ll start to chance by keeping my word “I am who I am” a little bit difference from your wording. lol. Thanks and keep up.

  2. Cissy Chan

    By the way Winnie seem I’m only reading your blog, but I really wanna change something in life, as I had panic disorder these few years and as you said medicine doesn’t help recover I really need someone like you to guide me through to a brand new me.

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