


不過今天路過銅鑼灣 SOGO 後門見到一個伯伯拿著籃子花,本已跟他擦身而過,卻在 1 秒間回頭去找他。因為,我欣賞的勤勞。我欣賞他自力更生。我感謝他讓世界更美。對他來說,$28 最低工資並非他所關注,也許綜緩也非他那杯茶。其實$30 買一束伯伯自己採的野花是不是好貴我並不太care,花錢最重要花得開心!

這種路邊買的白蘭花/薑花,讓我想起我的童年。小時候,我婆婆就最愛買一朵朵的白蘭花放在家裡讓空氣份外清新。 這次是我首次買這些花給自己,放在家裡面讓人心情都自在一點!

因為我家裡沒有花瓶,所以在廚房某個角落找到我私人珍藏的 Moroccan 玻璃杯插花。個人認為,好漂亮啊!

至於買回來的薑花,我用來供養啊 +和菩薩,順道跟菩薩說聲:Happy Belated Birthday!哈哈!一舉幾得,太好了吧?!

薑花固然開的燦爛,但我心中那朵花也在盛放。聞著薑花散發出來的花香,坐在電腦面前工作,算著上個月和這個月努力賺來的收入,然後用 e-banking 匯錢過去加拿大給爸媽,繼而 finalise 書展要出那本書的 details,接著再策劃 BS 還有新公司的發展大計,此時此刻真的感到心花怒放那種喜悅!

Have a great weekend,everyone!

(噢!題外話啊:相片左邊那條紅色的佛珠,是啊+臨去世前我戴在她手上誦經時用的。當啊+被送去火葬場那天,我親自在冷冰冰的屍體手上拿下來,然後就一直在我家了。繼而佛珠下面是本印製精美的地藏經(不是平時紅色那些啊!);再繼而呢,個佛像是 B 仔若干年前送給我的童顏佛;再再繼而呢,個荷花蠟燭holder 是有“細佬” 之稱的好友 J 在曼谷買給我的啊!好美的 “神台” 啊!)

11 thoughts on “心花怒放

  1. Gigi

    Winnie, 幅相給人一種很舒服嘅感覺,這樣放在家中來紀念你姐姐都幾好喎~btw,預祝你新書大賣&恭喜你又開新公司!

  2. winterwooskies

    i bought 白蘭花 from him today afternoon too.

    u know, he has been selling 白蘭花 for many many years. he sells from central, to causeway bay and to chai wan mtr station nearby. that’s why whenever i meet him, i will buy one to appreciate his hard-workding. btw, i like the smell of 白蘭花.

  3. flora

    Dear ‘Sui Kwai bean’

    I”m back into your life~ :D been super busy before~sorry for disapeared!
    gotta read farn all the post la~~ :)

  4. Jackson

    文章越來越有feel, 越來越欣賞你….super like…

  5. winnieleung

    winterwooskies:OH,that’s nice!yes,smell of 白蘭花is good!

  6. winnieleung

    Jackson the gemini: LONG TIME NO SEE 你留言!去左邊度啊????? thank you 讚賞,我面紅!wahaha!I have something for u soon!

  7. Jackson

    Hey glad that you still remember me…..too lazy to 留言 these days….since I always have too much bullshit to write but too little time….however, I read every single blog from you….and I like 90% of your topics/ views….I bought flowers from that 伯伯back there once in a while and I feel exactly the same that you feel about him…and you write it out, so happy…
    and I always feel he is 散發住 “something”,maybe a spirit, around him make him kinda bright at the sogo area….
    I think it’s both ways…u like GEMINI but you also attract them…keke

  8. winnieleung

    Jackson: Please give me a reason why wouldn’t I remember someone like u!!!!

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