剛又離開了香港到台灣兩天,感謝老天爺讓 everything went well:會議很順利;沒有再被本來差點氣死我的人氣死或吵架;facial 也做得很好。

心情大悅,連 shopping 都反影了出來!於是罕有地基於 「有趣」這個原因而買了些穿在身上的東西。

縱使我很少穿裙子 ~ 一年大概會穿 4 次吧 (而且九成九都是因為做訓練而穿的)!但這次卻買了幾雙很有趣的絲襪,覺得在穿裙子的時候穿著會非常搞鬼。當中有由鄭秀雯穿紅了的 Les Queues de Sardines 隻眼開隻眼閉 圖畫款色的絲襪,有幾趣?請比趣 …

My no.1 favourite :)

No.2 favourite



Sammi 雙腿穿紅了這雙 Les Queues de Sardines 隻眼開隻眼閉絲襪

王心凌跟羅志祥拍 MV 都是穿隻眼開隻眼閉絲襪

老實說,我就算怎樣愛型都好,百色圖案絲襪配露趾鞋,我自問 carry 不到也不敢 carry


不過這次 shopping  ,還是比較喜歡這對極有 Adidas JS Wings 影子的翅膀球鞋!

Fly,Winnie!Fly!!! 明乎其實,穿了會飛?!?!

28 thoughts on “

  1. Jac

    Hi Winnie, May I know where u get this stocking??

  2. Jinnie

    Hi Hi, 您對Adidas JS Wings 個厚底係咪原裝or自己出去搵人加? 謝謝^^

  3. theresacheng

    你對腳好靚呀^^不過我覺得肥番少少更靚 哈哈

  4. winnieleung


  5. winnieleung

    Jinnie:不是adi 來啊,所以是原裝呢

  6. winnieleung

    jac: from a friend in Taipei. If u need halo, let me know, it costs around 250 a pair if I remember correctly!

  7. Nicole

    Hi Winnie,


    –隻眼開隻眼閉絲襪 (最好是sammi 穿的淺紫色, 不然黑色也OK) x1
    –紅色十字架絲襪 x1


  8. Jac

    It would be great if you can help me to get 隻眼開隻眼閉絲襪(same colour as you BLACK colour).
    muak muak,

  9. Queenie

    Hi Winnie,
    I want to get 隻眼開隻眼閉絲襪(same colour as you BLACK colour). too . Is that okay you can order for me ? Thanks Thanks

  10. Sammi

    Hello Winnie,
    really great stockings!
    may i ask if you can help order a pair of BLACK 隻眼開隻眼閉絲襪? thanks a lot!

  11. mi

    Dear Winnie,

    May I ask you to help me to order
    one pair BLACK COL 隻眼開隻眼閉絲襪? thank you very much.


  12. winnieleung

    dear mi,sammi,jac,nicole,queenie:好。但不好意思因為我現在在溫州做訓練,要禮拜一才問到啊

  13. mi

    Dear Winnie,

    Thank you very much for your reply and I will wait for your news.
    Thanks for your help again :)


  14. CaCa

    我都非常looking forward

  15. Queenie

    Hi Winnie ,

    Thanks for your help . I am looking forward your reply .

  16. Pauline

    Hi Winnie,

    Wonder if you can get me a pair of black color 隻眼開隻眼閉? Many thanks!!

  17. Sammi

    Dear Winnie,

    thanks for your reply!
    but i am afraid that there will be another reader call mi, so better use Sammi instead, to avoid misunderstanding. I am the one who wrote on Oct-7 for a pair of black color 隻眼開隻眼閉絲襪.
    Please take your time and look forward to your update later, thanks!! : )


  18. mi

    Dear Winnie,

    It’s Mi :)
    Please kindly count both Mi and Sammi in for the black color 隻眼開隻眼閉絲襪 , thank you very much again. :)


  19. Nicolelee

    HI Winnie,

    I am Nicole lee. pls also help me to order a pair of BLACK 隻眼開隻眼閉絲襪 ! thanks

    Nicole Lee

  20. winnieleung

    各位想買襪的fans: 我問緊是不是one size
    fits all,因為我上禮拜著了,158cm 的我覺得“萬萬”緊,怕如過你太高/肥過我會著得不舒服。麻煩等等啊!不好意思!

  21. winnieleung

    各位想買襪的fans: 確認清楚了,是one size 的。朋友說她有客人 170 cm 高穿都沒問題,拉好D 就可以喔。所以大家是不是真的要試呢? (因為我那次著完覺得緊,回家發現腳趾公位好似薄左想爛啊)麻煩真的要買的fans,email 去winnieleungblog@gmail.com thx

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