看來,我真的好 Superdry!

前幾天一篇《愛上 Superdry!》讓我邊寫邊興奮。寫完那刻,我已經知道我一定會多買,只是沒想過這次一掃就 12 件!原因是,自從寫完個 post,便陸續收到不同朋友的短訊托代購。而我的性格,當然會不辭勞苦的幫忙。

結果我在信義誠品的 Superdry 專櫃近 3 個小時,逐件逐件看適合誰- 因為我的朋友叫我買東西是從來不會給 reference 或者告訴我要甚麼,完全只相信我的品味的,充當 fashion conceirge,我當然要非常負責任。

我真的要大大大大大大大大大讚我的 sales assistant 小奕。他確實是我們 shopping 這麼多年來服務最棒的一個。平時在甚麼名店,sales 那種很慇懃的服務很多時會讓我覺得他們在做一個 duty 而已。但是小奕本身真的是 Superdry 的超級大粉絲,所以真的很不一樣。句句都是真誠的真心話,不會為了佣金而硬逼我要甚麼,很多時候還擔心我買了不適合的而給意見。不過最重要,是每次他都會用盡方法讓我省最多的錢!

有讀者以為我不知道香港也有 Superdry Store,但是我找小奕買,平均每件省港幣 $500 呢!還有,最後我忍不住買了很多明星都愛穿的 Brad leather jacket,原價 台幣$15800,結果,我猜我只用了一萬左右吧!




這一件是意外地試穿,結果,一穿就捨不得脫!因為實在太~帥~氣了!!!型到跳舞!我發現Superdry jacket 的領位design 實在太棒!它會做額外的detail 去讓領位好挺和讓人穿得好帥!。

右邊肩膀後面都有很 sharp 的“Superdry 極度乾燥”字樣。

掙扎了一個小時,還是買下萬人迷 David Beckam 和很多男星都愛穿的 Brad Leather Jacket。我選了跟碧咸一樣的double collar

Justin Bieber 也是 Superdry 皮夾克的粉絲。他有幾件,照片中的是Hooded 款。其實,穿Superdry leather jacket 的最cool 穿法,就是要在裡面穿hoodie 然後讓帽子外露。

David Beckham 故意買了件咖啡色的 Superdry hoodie 穿在咖啡色的 leather jacket 裡面,讓大家覺得仿佛是一件來的。

15 thoughts on “看來,我真的好 Superdry!

  1. minime

    Hi Winnie,
    Is the leather jacket unisex? what size do you wear for this brand??
    Thanks ^^

  2. lala

    i like that Brad Leather Jacket too…can you help me to buy?..:P

  3. winnieleung

    minime: The leather jacket has men and women size respectively, but same design. I am wearing Small but can still wear a hoodie inside.

  4. winnieleung

    lala: do you really want it? If so you can transfer money into my account and I buy it. I won’t be back to HK till next week

  5. Gre

    Hi Winnie:

    How much of the pink zip hood and the leather jacket? it look great!

  6. Teresa

    Hi Winnie,
    Can you really help to buy?!? Plllllllllssss~~~
    I really really love the light grey zip up hoodle you posted on Nov 7!!! It looks soooooo cool on you~~~~~~

  7. winnieleung

    Teresa: What size are you? It’s around $9xx (HKD) should be a few hundred dollars cheaper than to buy in HK. Let me know, if you really want it, you can transfer money to my HSBC account. Leave me your email so I can tell you :)

  8. winnieleung

    Gre: The pink one costs around HK$9XX after discount and the leather jacket costs below $3000 after discount.

  9. Teresa

    Hi Winnie,
    Yesyes I really want it!  Size S should be fine, pls email your HSBC a/c no. to teresawingsze@yahoo.com
    我真的愛死你了… 那有偶像幫小粉絲買衫!!! 我開心到傻咗^o^  Thank you soooo much!

  10. lala

    winnie, thanks for yr offer!!however im not sure wt size suit me and my fd…>.<

  11. winnieleung

    Teresa: Please let me know after you have transferred,so I can check.

  12. Teresa

    Hi Winnie,
    I have transferred to you last Fri la, and I have replied your email on the same day. Let me resend the email to you, thanks so much for your help^.^

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